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Male, 53 years, born on 29 January 1972
Baku, willing to relocate (Russia), prepared for business trips
Production and technical department engineer
3 500 $ in hand
- Other
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 29 years 3 months
March 2017 — currently
8 years 1 month
Heavy Engineering... Show more
Construction Lead - BP Shah Denis Phase 2 Onshore Terminal Facility Construction Works Project.
The key responsibilities as Construction Lead :
Oversee and direct construction projects from conception to completion. Review the project in-depth to schedule deliverable and estimate costs. Oversee all onsite and offsite constructions to monitor compliance with building and safety regulations. Coordinate and direct construction workers and subcontractors. Select tools, materials and equipment and track inventory. Meet contractual conditions of performance. Review the work progress on daily basis. Prepare internal and external reports pertaining to job status. Plan ahead to prevent problems and resolve any emerging ones. Negotiate terms of agreements,draft contracts and obtain permits and licenses. Analyses manage and mitigate risks. Ensure quality construction standards and the use of proper construction techniques
August 2015 — March 2017
1 year 8 months
Area Authority- BP Shah Denis Phase 2 Onshore Terminal Facility Construction Works Project.
The key responsibilities as Area Authority:
Overall responsibility for the safe Control of Work activities in accordance with these procedures and within their designated area. This includes the issue of all Work Permits. Liaising closely with the Performing Authority (PA) when planning permits, to ensure that the appropriate hazards and controls have been identified for that task. Ensuring the appropriate level of risk assessment is carried out for the task. Ensuring that all the appropriate control measures have been put in place prior to allowing a Permit to be issued, confirming that the PA fully understands the scope of the task and that other members of the work party have been fully briefed via a safety Toolbox Talk or equivalent means of communication. Discussion & approval of isolation design with Isolating Authority (IA), control of isolation implementation and ensuring that the isolation is in place prior to allowing an associated permit to be issued. Also ensuing that the isolation is properly removed after completion of the work and cancellation of the permit. Evaluate all work to be carried out to the requirements of the Permit-to-Work system, initiate and write Permits-to-Work as necessary and ensure that all safety precautions are taken and only work is carried out stated in the Permit-to-Work. Ensuring that worksite inspections are carried out before, during and after the performance of each task (some of this may be delegated). Ensuring that adequate handovers take place at shift change, crew change or other change out/over of AA’s, PA’s and IA’s.
February 2011 — July 2015
4 years 6 months
``MAQ'' LLC- Company
Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more
Chief of Mechanical & Technician Department
Duties of the Chief of Mechanical & Technician Department:
The Chief of Mechanical & Technician Department carries out the following functions:
Carries out control of financial and economic activity of the company, providing effective and target use of material and financial resources, decrease in their losses.
Takes measures for the timely conclusion of economic and financial contracts, provides implementation of contractual obligations.
Directs development of measures for the cost-effective use of resources and complex use of material resources, to improvement of rationing of an expense of raw materials, materials, current assets and stocks of material values, improvement of economic indicators and information of system of economic indicators of work of the company, production efficiency increase, strengthening of financial discipline, the prevention of education and elimination of stocks of inventory items above permitted standard, and also an over expenditure of material resources. Provides timely drawing up of budget and financial and other documents, the calculations, the established reporting about implementation of plans.
Directly in the absence of the director general or on his assignment carries on negotiations with customers, contractors, potential partners and other organizations.
Supervises observance by workers of labor and production discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, requirements of requirements of fire-prevention safety.
Provides finishing to data of workers and execution of orders by them and orders of the director general. Informs the director general on available shortcomings of work of the enterprise and accepted measures for their elimination.
January 2007 — February 2011
4 years 2 months
Automotive Business... Show more
Director of Mechanical & Technician Department
Duties as Director of Mechanical & Technician Department:
To give orders and instructions on the questions entering into its functional rights.
To supervise observance of safety regulations and fire-prevention safety employees of the enterprise and to take the appropriate measures in case of their violation.
To make offers on application of disciplinary actions of influence concerning the employees of the enterprise who have allowed rough violations of the rules of safety measures and fire-prevention safety.
To get acquainted with drafts of decisions of the company management, concerning its activity.
To represent to the guide of the offer to improvement of the work and company work.
To report to administration about all shortcomings revealed in the course of the activity and to make offers on their elimination.
To demand from administration of providing the organizational specifications necessary for execution of functions.
Walk the manufacturing floor on a regular basis to establish HSSE presence and provide support.
September 2005 — January 2007
1 year 5 months
Caspian Shipyard Company
Heavy Engineering... Show more
Senior HSE Supervisor
Kashagan Development Experimental Program. Ancillary Steel.Work Fabrication Package.
The key responsibilities as an HSE Supervisor were:
Assist management in the preparation and implementation of Company Health and Safety policies.
Establish and monitor programs for detecting and correcting hazardous conditions.
Review and comment upon the safety aspects of new existing designs that may have an impact on plan safety. To review and take into accounts layout of the plan, equipment and operability, preparation and implementation of safety plans. Participate as required in investigation of accident, near missed and hazardous conditions. Prepare reports and recommend actions to prevent recurrence.
Disseminate information on safety to all departments/ disciplines to alert them on specific hazards and to promote safety awareness.
Liaise with appropriate clients on safety matter where necessary; carry out offshore/onshore surveys and inspection.
To arrange Safety, Health and Environment training course as and when required.
Prepare safety procedures and plans for client and company operations and amend existing procedures as dictated by client and company requirements. Identify other S.H and E areas that merit the production of Safety, Health and Environment Procedures/ Plans and prepare same.
Co-ordinate the development of emergency exercise and assists in running them
Proficiency and Responsibility.
Responsibility level to reflect authority.
Good knowledge in local/international HSE Procedures and regulation.
Able to set up/revise the HSE Procedures.
Practical background
/ Baku, Azerbaijan /
March 2005 — September 2005
7 months
Caspian Shipyard Company-BP Shah Denis TPG 500.
HSE Supervisor
Caspian Shipyard Company - Construction Suction Can for BP Shah Denis TPG 500.
The key responsibilities as an HSE Supervisor were:
Assist management in the preparation and implementation of Company Health and Safety policies.
Establish and monitor programs for detecting and correcting hazardous conditions.
Review and comment upon the safety aspects of new existing designs that may have an impact on plan safety. To review and take into accounts layout of the plan, equipment and operability, preparation and implementation of safety plans. Participate as required in investigation of accident, near missed and hazardous conditions. Prepare reports and recommend actions to prevent recurrence.
Disseminate information on safety to all departments/ disciplines to alert them on specific hazards and to promote safety awareness.
Liaise with appropriate clients on safety matter where necessary; carry out offshore/onshore surveys and inspection.
To arrange Safety, Health and Environment training course as and when required.
Prepare safety procedures and plans for client and company operations and amend existing procedures as dictated by client and company requirements. Identify other S.H and E areas that merit the production of Safety, Health and Environment Procedures/ Plans and prepare same.
Co-ordinate the development of emergency exercise and assists in running them
Proficiency and Responsibility.
Responsibility level to reflect authority.
Good knowledge in local/international HSE Procedures and regulation.
Able to set up/revise the HSE Procedures.
Practical background / Baku, Azerbaijan /
November 2004 — March 2005
5 months
Caspian Shipyard Company-BP Shah Denis Gas Export Project.
HSE Department - Senior HSE Adviser
Duties as an HSE Senior Adviser, was included, but not limited:
To take part in Tool-Box Talk Meetings & Task Risk Assessment Meetings;
To conduct Advanced Safety Audits, HSE Inspections at the site and prepare STOP Card Reports & HSE Inspection Reports;
To conduct registration of all STOP Cards from the site on a regularly bases;
To check all ongoing status safety concerns raised through STOP Cards;
To investigate accidents/ incidents & prepare Incident/Accident Reports.
/ Baku, Azerbaijan /
February 2004 — November 2004
10 months
Caspian Shipyard Company
HSE Department - Senior HSE Adviser in Barge Azerbaijan
Establishing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions by adhering to Standard Operation Procedures instructions, specifications and requirements.
Investigation of accident and incidents and production of written reports on such accidents or incidents.
Coordinate all Confined Spaces activities with Emergency Rescue Team leaders;
Control Work Permit registrations and Issue Work Permits;
November 2003 — February 2004
4 months
Caspian Shipyard Company-Up greeting Derrick Barge
HSE Department - Senior HSE Adviser
Up greeting Derrick Barge
Production, maintenance and updating of Health and Safety Plan, and ensuring that the Plan is used to stimulate the safety awareness of all employees on the shipyard.
Establishing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions by adhering to Standard Operation Procedures instructions, specifications and requirements.
Investigation of accident and incidents and production of written reports on such accidents or incidents.
August 2003 — November 2003
4 months
Caspian Shipyard Company-Offshore delivery Semi-Submersible Rig LIDER (MAERSK EXPLORER).
HSE Representative.
Offshore delivery Semi-Submersible Rig LIDER (MAERSK EXPLORER). At the position of CSC HSE Representative.
As a CSC HSE Representative, I was responsible for ensuring the necessary co-ordination between the Clients HSE Department and the Caspian Shipyard Company.
Duties also included:
Production, maintenance and updating of Health and Safety Plan, and ensuring that the Plan is used to stimulate the safety awareness of all employees on the Rig.
Establishing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions by adhering to Standard Operation Procedures instructions, specifications and requirements.
Investigation of accident and incidents and production of written reports on such accidents or incidents.
Ensuring that all Employees involved in De-mining Operations comply with the Health and Safety requirements of the Program.
Make sure that Work Permit conditions are maintained;
Coordinate all Confined Spaces activities with Emergency Rescue Team leaders;
Control Work Permit registrations and Issue Work Permits;
March 2002 — August 2003
1 year 6 months
Caspian Shipyard Company Project DSS-20 (LIDER RİG) Semi-Submersible Rig. Caspian Sea Offshore,
HSE Department - Senior HSE Inspector
Production, maintenance and updating of Health and Safety Plan, and ensuring that the Plan is used to stimulate the safety awareness of all employees on the Rig.
Establishing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions by adhering to Standard Operation Procedures instructions, specifications and requirements.
Investigation of accident and incidents and production of written reports on such accidents or incidents.
Ensuring that all Employees involved in De-mining Operations comply with the Health and Safety requirements of the Program.
Make sure that Work Permit conditions are maintained;
Coordinate all Confined Spaces activities with Emergency Rescue Team leaders;
Control Work Permit registrations and Issue Work Permits;
December 2001 — March 2002
4 months
Caspian Shipyard Company
HSE Department - Senior HSE Inspector
HSE Department - Senior Up greeting ``Dada Gorgud '' Semi-Submersible Rig. HSE Department - Fire Safety Inspector
Production, maintenance and updating of Health and Safety Plan, and ensuring that the Plan is used to stimulate the safety awareness of all employees on the shipyard & Rig.
Establishing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions by adhering to Standard Operation Procedures instructions, specifications and requirements.
Investigation of accident and incidents and production of written reports on such accidents or incidents.
November 2000 — September 2001
11 months
Investigator - surveyor
(ANAMA) Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action.
November 2000 — December 2000
2 months
Azerbaijan National Agency
Level 1 Surveyor
: Survey Courses conducted by Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Actions and NNGO International Eurasia Press Fund. Qualitied
November 1996 — December 1999
3 years 2 months
Factory of manufacturing binder
Retail... Show more
Mechanical engineer
Factory of manufacturing Loose-leaf
January 1993 — October 1994
1 year 10 months
``ZAFER INSAAT''- Turkish Building Com.
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
Team Leader of the work place
Skill proficiency levels
About me
I'd like to give you a brief overview of my skills and experience. I am hardworking, analytical and like taking initiative. I believe that my skill-set matches perfectly with your requirements. I think that my technician activities and a solid track record may be of interest to you.
I'm confident that I am the employee you are seeking because I have a lot of qualifications outlined in your job posting.
Your company is an extraordinary interest to me, as it relates to the field in which I specialize. I know and I am sure that my quality allows me to make a significant contribution to your team!
Higher education
Azerbaijan State Civil Engineering University
Road Engineering, Mechanical Engineer
Professional development, courses
Permit to Work for Area Authority
AZFEN, Area Authority
Tests, examinations
Accident/Incident Investigation
TCS, Area Authority
Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training
Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action
Survey Courses conducted by Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Actions, Level 1 Investigator-surveyor
Azerbaijan State Civil Engineering University
Building and road construction, machinery and equipment, Mechanical engineer.
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Azerbaijan
Permission to work: Azerbaijan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter