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Male, 59 years, born on 21 May 1965
Baku, willing to relocate (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine), prepared for business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
Manager, analyst, cost control, translator
1 000 € in hand
- Sales manager, account manager
Employment: full time, part time, project work, work placement
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 35 years 11 months
March 2013 — currently
12 years 1 month
CBM, Konsis, Anglo-American Centre, Atlant, SOFAZ, etc
Technical translator
-Written translations (Azerbaijani,Russian,English,Ukrainian, Turkish)
-Proofreading (Azerbaijani, English)
April 2018 — December 2018
9 months
Shinkar Holding LLC
Translator, Cost Control Officer
- Translated project plans, schedules
- Translated CAD drawings, submittals, contracts - Correspondence with international partners, contractors
- Interpreted project meetings, skype conferences
- Prepared Project Budgets, Estimates
- Reported Regularly on Project Progress - Collected data from construction activity
- Reviewed previous reports against updated budgets
April 2017 — April 2018
1 year 1 month
Prosys LLC
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Asistant TD, Business Analyst, Tester, Trainer
- Prepared bidding papers
- Translated products, website, etc docs
- Drafted technical papers - Analyzed software bugs, suggested improvements
- Tested ready software products, conducted trainings
- Worked with planning tools such as TFS, TMS, etc. tasks
May 2015 — June 2015
2 months
Baku European Games Operation Committee
-Translated written information on competition, matches
-Prepared materials for media
-Corrected information in BEGOC website -Translated schedule of Games
-Worked with translation team on the sportsmen biodata
-Translated materials on the award granting ceremonies
-Prepared day summaries
May 2014 — May 2015
1 year 1 month
Azmicroinvest NBFI
Financial Sector... Show more
Institutional Development Consultant
-Developed new products
-Conducted management, staff trainings
-Conducted marketting, assessment, monitoring
-Developed internal auditing, staff training plans
-Conducted financial analysis, reporting (prudential, int-l)
-Prepared for rating, external auditing, etc tasks
-Assisted with international correspondence
October 2013 — May 2014
8 months
Azerbaijan Credit Unions Association
Azerbaijan, www.akia.az
Financial Sector... Show more
International Relations Officer
-Supporting 85 members institutions (credit unions) in developing institutional capacity;
-Coaching the members in developing manuals, procedures, policies, business plan, etc.
-Preparing members for correspondence with international investors
-Written and verbal communication with investors, representing member institutions
-Arranging due diligence visits, ratings, institutional diagnostic of investors into member institutions
-Organizing and conducting training for member institutions staff on auditing, financial management, business planning, HR, marketing, MIS, etc.
-Developing projects tailored to members needs
March 2013 — October 2013
8 months
Phoenix Contracting (UK)
Oil and Gas... Show more
Cost Controller
-Cost advice, undertake procurement activities and carry out post contract cost control.
-Cost Planning, Budget revisions
-Timeline, Cost, Change Management
-Coordination, Comparative Data Analysis
-Policy, Procedure Development
January 2009 — March 2013
4 years 3 months
Inam Credit Union LLC
Financial Sector... Show more
Supervisory Board Chairman/Member, Auditor
1. SB Chair/Member
-Develop annual audit plan;
-Conduct regular internal audit according to annual plan on compliance procedures, loan portfolio, MIS, financial transactions, HR issues, administrative issues
-Visit randomly selected clients business and home
-Review policy and procedures including internal audit manual, internal control system, risk management policy, etc.
-Generate monthly reports on internal audit, report to -Supervisory Board on quarterly base;
-Liaise with External Audit due to the end of financial year, provide vision and policy leadership
-Assure fulfilment of Founder’s mandate, values and principles incl. staff management
-Ensure company resources are prudently managed by monitoring investment and operating performance
-Provide ongoing guidance and advice to the executive director;
-Provide expertise in key area of microfinance, banking, law, accounting and business development;
-Facilitate an additional network among microfinance, development and other like-minded institutions;
-Assist the Management Board in mobilizing funds from domestic and international sources for concessional and commercial debt and for grants;
2. Internal Auditor
-Develop annual audit plan;
-Conduct regular internal audit according to annual plan on compliance procedures, loan portfolio, MIS, financial transactions, HR issues, administrative issues
-Visit randomly selected clients business and home
-Review policy and procedures including internal audit manual, internal control system, risk management policy, etc
-Generate monthly reports on internal audit,
-Report to Supervisory Board on quarterly base;
-Liaise with External Audit due to the end of financial year
January 2002 — January 2009
7 years 1 month
Norwegian Microcredit NFBI, AMFA
Financial Sector... Show more
Management Board Chairman (CEO), AMFA Board Member
-Daily management of the company
-Developing policy and procedures for the company
-Establishing MIS, training staff to handle the system;
-Train the staff members in lending operation, portfolio management, reporting, financial management, internal audit, HR issues etc.;
-Establishing corporate management approach;
-Developing Strategic and Annual Plans, Budgets, Financial Projection;
-Preparing and arranging international rating;
-Establishing cooperation with international lenders
September 1998 — June 2002
3 years 10 months
Norwegian Refugee Council
Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more
Income Generating Project Coordinator
-Implementation Income Generating Projects with 200-300K USD annual budget;
-Preparation of annual budget and project proposal on LFA;
-Preparation of annual report for donors and government agencies
-Establishing and managing revolving fund for Internally Displaced People
-Developing and maintaining operational manuals and other relevant lending guidelines
February 1998 — August 1998
7 months
Tekfen Turkey
Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more
Data Analyst, Interpreter
-Entering oil pipeline coordinates into computer;
-Data analysis, reporting
-Translations from/into Turkish & English
June 1997 — February 1998
9 months
Azerbaijan International Operating Company
Oil and Gas... Show more
Interpretation of training courses:
Off-shore drilling, gas compressors, safe driving; team building, etc
Translation of training materials
April 1997 — June 1997
3 months
Consafe UK
Oil and Gas... Show more
Supervisor, Stock-keeper, Interpreter
-Stock running, interpretation;
-Supervision of welders team of 20 people;
September 1995 — November 1996
1 year 3 months
Care International (USA)
Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more
Team Leader
-Daily supervision of shelter building teams of 5 people;
-Weekly planning of houses for IDPs, weekly/monthly reporting to Project Manager
-Site visits, monitoring, building 300 houses for Internally Displaced People
March 1990 — December 1995
5 years 10 months
State Insurance Commercial Company
Government Organizations... Show more
IT Manager / Software Developer
-Developing automated insurance operation software; -Hardware and IT support,
January 1989 — December 1990
2 years
State Medical Statistic Committee
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
IT Manager / Software Developer
Developing software for registering patients in hospitals, Generating reports;
IT service
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category BAbout me
(Consultancy on the) Daily management of financial institution, financial management, audit, HR, business planning/budgetting, financial reporting, office administration, insurance, software programming, IT service, translation / interpretation, cost control, construction supervision, warehouse management, project management, debt/equity investment, corporative governance
Higher education
Azerbaijan Economic University
Finance & Credit, Master
Azerbaijan Technical University
Computers, Master
Professional development, courses
Azerbaijan State Economic University
Azerbaijan Ministry of Education, economist
Tests, examinations
Azerbaijan State Economic University
Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan
Oslo University
Ministry of Education of Norway, economist (45 days course)
Azerbaijan Technical University
Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan, computer engineer
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Azerbaijan
Permission to work: Azerbaijan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter