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ЗарегистрироватьсяБыла на сайте более двух недель назад
Женщина, 31 год, родилась 5 июня 1993
Не ищет работу
Баку, готова к переезду, готова к командировкам
Manual QA Engineer
400 $ на руки
- Тестировщик
Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, стажировка
График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа
Опыт работы 8 лет
Март 2023 — по настоящее время
2 года 1 месяц
DevEducation Colledge
Киев, deveducation.com/
Junior QA engineer
Review requirements, specifications and technical design documents to provide feedback
Develop and apply testing processes for product to meet client needs
Estimate, prioritize, plan and coordinate testing activities
Create test documentation
Identify, record, document thoroughly and track bugs
Perform thorough regression testing when bugs are resolved
Январь 2022 — по настоящее время
3 года 3 месяца
Caspi Group Azerbaijan LLC
Generating reports and presenting information to upper-level managers or other parties.
Planning and goal-setting for future periods
Dealing with performance problems and terminations.
Monitoring and controlling expenses and budgets.
Planning and managing logistics, transportation and customer services
Октябрь 2019 — Октябрь 2020
1 год 1 месяц
ORCA Azerbaijan LLC
Training Administrator
Collate and administer all documentation for job preparation, completion and invoicing.
Coordinate training schedules and instructions.
Contact clients regarding refreshers and courses.
Prepare all administrative work for training department.
Handle accounts receivable and ensure invoices are paid.
Submit reports on training activities and results.
Декабрь 2018 — Июль 2019
8 месяцев
Smart Agro LLC
Project coordinator
Plan and coordinate project activities for timely completions.
Provide analytical support to Manager in executing assigned projects.
Develop project reports for management and clients.
Interact with various teams to coordinate project activities.
Monitor project schedules regularly to determine any delays or deviations.
Documenting and following up on important actions and decisions from meetings.
Февраль 2018 — Август 2018
7 месяцев
Steel Repair Services LLC
HR manager’s assistant
Assisting with operations of the HR functions and duties
Compiling and updating employee records
Preparing or updating employment records related to hiring, transferring, promoting, and terminating.
Explaining human resources policies, procedures, laws, and standards to new and existing employees.
Conducts recruitments showing good faith efforts to broaden diversity.
Август 2014 — Декабрь 2016
2 года 5 месяцев
All Inshaat LLC
Construction engineer
Planning and manage construction.
Prepare architecture design based on design requirements.
Producing detailed drawings.
Projects obtain the construction materials design the project structures.
Provide a report on carrying out the project and its consequences.
Уровни владения навыками
Высшее образование (Бакалавр)
DevEducation College
QA, Manual QA Engineer
Melioration and water equipment, Construction engineer
Знание языков
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Азербайджан, Россия
Разрешение на работу: Азербайджан, Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения