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Мужчина, 51 год, родился 20 мая 1973
Баку, готов к переезду (Катар, Королевство Саудовская Аравия, ОАЭ, Турция), готов к командировкам
Директор по маркетингу и рекламе
3 000 ₼ на руки
- Директор по маркетингу и PR (CMO)
- Руководитель отдела маркетинга и рекламы
Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа
График работы: полный день, удаленная работа
Опыт работы 27 лет 5 месяцев
Июнь 2015 — по настоящее время
9 лет 10 месяцев
Afandi Consultancy
Услуги для бизнеса... Показать еще
Бизнес-консультант, тренер и коуч
Provide consultancy services to clients companies, and enhance their professionals skills and capabilities by delivering training and coaching.
Utilise resources and budget to organise promotional events, and establish social media strategy to capture the attention to potential clients.
Render expert services in website development, and re-branding with minimum resources. Develop detailed business plans to drive small or radical changes, and carry out strategic planning to launch new businesses/products.
Key Accomplishments:
• Devised and employed business growth strategies for client companies, and generated opportunities for continuous development.
• Just in 3 months expanded client database and increased brand awareness by planning, reorganising, and delivering extensive training on “Profitable Sales” as well as delivered training session on “Profitable Marketing” in Baku Olympic Stadium - biggest sports venue in Azerbaijan.
• Conducted market research and analysis which aided in generating 500K USD sales plan, also trained 5 people and sales manager to assure seamless implementation of sales plan in "Enginet" Internet Provider.
• Generated 10 times more leads and 3 times more opportunities for "BSC" Consulting Company through developing and implementing corporate sales system.
• Planned and executed 2 additional sales channels with big potential for the growth of sales, and delivered training to 7 new sales people on corporate sales in "Innovative Technologies in Education" company.
• Re-organised customer care department, identified and selected potential manager for the company.
Июль 2016 — Май 2017
11 месяцев
Garant Inshaat Senaye LLC
Азербайджан, garantis.az
Товары народного потребления (непищевые)... Показать еще
Директор Коммерческого Департамента
Formulate and execute plans for the expansion and growth of the company within the country.
Develop export potential of the company in Caspian region through manage significant challenges related to business.
Increase the profitability of the business and mitigated the negative effect of the crisis in economy by restructuring sales and marketing strategies and systems.
Key Accomplishments:
• Successfully launched both lottery and trade marketing campaign which resulted in significant increase in sales up to 25% in 2016 VS 2015. Assured fulfillment of customer needs by functioning closely with internal departments, and business data pertaining to all commercial activities.
• Negotiated 2 strategic export agreements which related to sales of gypsum materials and products to German’s Heidelberg Cement and one of Georgian distributors.
• Developed processes and procedures to manage sales and marketing activates, as well as proficiently managed new and existing key customers that helps in improving turnover and profitability.
• Harnessed in-depth knowledge while introducing a holistic contemporary debt management approach that 100% prevented an increase in bad debt.
• Reduced call centre cost by 85% through outsourcing services and applying prepaid service by number of calls.
Апрель 2015 — Июнь 2015
3 месяца
Baku European Games Operation Committee
Баку, www.baku2015.com
Государственные организации... Показать еще
Call Centre and Customer Care Manager
Supervised and handled all functions of the call centre, and executed strategic plans to ensure continuity in operational efficiency.
Administered and controlled European Games Spectators Info Centre which was the central information hub for spectators in Azerbaijan, Europe and CIS countries. Adeptly managed delivery phase starting from developing project road map until official start of the ticket sales with the participation of President of Azerbaijan Republic.
Synchronised spectator related information within commercial department. Identified and captured resources and assets to attain qualitative and quantitative targets.
Key Accomplishments:
• Reduced call centre costs 2 times by launching of sophisticated dynamic IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system which helped to dropping the number of call centre operators to 12 and served 60% of calls.
• Assembled, coached, and deployed a customer services team that swiftly responded 99.9% of 51869 calls, including 5000 calls on the most loaded day - Opening Ceremony of 1st European Games.
• Completed communication and integration works with 3 mobile and 20 landline operators. Due to that free of charge calls to unified 2015 call centre number were presented to the spectators.
• Successfully launched 3 language call centre in 1 month without any delay with 0 USD additional costs. Organised 3 days training to call centre operators within first week, as well as prepared and delivered comprehensive FAQs.
• Established and developed call centre infrastructure, and capitalised management expertise to supervise and handle pre-operational phase of project.
Сентябрь 2014 — Март 2015
7 месяцев
International Business Academy
Образовательные учреждения... Показать еще
Project Director
Started and augmented academy operations by described and optimised sales and customer service processes.
Utilised diplomatic leadership skills as a foundation for steering a profitable academy, and provided direction through creating vision and mission of the academy.
Carried out market research to identify current market trends, and created short term strategy to accomplish desired goals and objectives.
Closely analysed and assessed team performance by conducting weekly project meetings, and studied processes to keep project on track.
Key Accomplishments:
• Successfully launched the academy’s first training in corporate sales as a head of the project and trainer, and observed 98% customer satisfaction rate in the training survey.
• Zero USD budget spent on marketing research which helped to identify most attractive market segments and communication channels.
• Headed a start-up project team of 7 marketing, customer care and administrative employees, and provided training and coaching to team members in order to achieve targets.
Май 2014 — Март 2015
11 месяцев
Baku European Games Operation Committee
Баку, www.baku2015.com
Государственные организации... Показать еще
Project Manager
Swiftly responded to the constantly changing demands of project management operations with full end-to-end support to Venue Design & Delivery, Workforce, Uniform and Accreditation Directorates.
Utilised project management skills, and delivered support to Accreditation Directorate in accurate planning and follow up of tasks and risks related to accrediting of National Olimpic Committees and media reps.
Competently provided project management support to workforce in accurate planning and follow up of tasks and risks related to recruiting of 10 000 volunteers and providing 20 000 games staff with uniform. Strengthened B2B and B2G professional relations to assure implementation of complex projects.
Key Accomplishments:
• Guaranteed smooth cross functional integration and risks transferring between 8 functions in 3 directorates. Timely delivered projects functions since providing support in development and optimisation of work plans.
• Played integral role in achieving operational objectives by contributing recommendations to strategic plans and reviews. Developed a detailed project plan to track progress, and assure operational efficiency.
• 3 times reduced potential risks across 8 functions during 1 year before games time, and followed project management guidance in preparation and follow up of accurate response plans.
• Directed and coached a team of project specs in PRM function by utilizing leadership and management skills. Guided and supported directorate workforce on setting up of the customer call centre.
• Special projects: Wind Tests, Land Use request, Workforce integration, European Games Park Thriathlon Study, Weather statistics, Venue Liason Database, Workforce Process Engineering.
Январь 2013 — Май 2014
1 год 5 месяцев
Азербайджан, www.timwe.com
Телекоммуникации, связь... Показать еще
Country Manager
Adeptly supervised and managed full country operations and targets, spearheaded sales, marketing and customer care teams, and provided constructive feedback on their performance.
Competently managed mobile government project, improved all operations by executing plans, and sent progress report to director EECA.
Collaborated with content providers, copyrighting agencies, mobile apps companies, and mobile VAS aggregators in EECA region to identify and select key partner.
Served as initial point of contact with management and leads such as ministry of IT and telecommunications, state agency for public services and Social Innovations.
Key Accomplishments:
• Recognised as best sales person of TIMWE global sales network with TIMWE Sales Idol Award in 2012 and 2013.
• Successfully launched and headed big scale marketing and sales projects with mobile operators, and boosted projects' revenues for mobile operators' services by contributing positive efforts.
• Controlled critical project operations which resulted in 54% increase in revenue in 2013. Kept abreast of industry trends and launched SMS Mega and mini promos with 2 mobile operators.
• Negotiated with clients and closed agreement with biggest B2B account in telecom sector. Resourcefully formulated plans and implemented new B2C sales channels with 2 mobile operators: IVR, USSD, RBT, and gained 10% additional revenue per channel.
• Steered efforts towards managing the Mobile Government Azerbaijan project and at the final presentation president of Azerbaijan approved it.
Август 2012 — Декабрь 2012
5 месяцев
Азербайджан, www.timwe.com
Телекоммуникации, связь... Показать еще
Sales and Marketing Director
Manage sales, marketing and customer care team
Increase the number of accounts on B2B area via creation of new opportunities
New product development and market research
Launch of new projects
Increase revenues for projects with Mobile operators
Increase B2C revenues
Development of contract documentation, tariffs.
Follow KPIs and SMART goals
Manage activities through Salesforce.com sales tool.
Январь 2012 — Июль 2012
7 месяцев
Азербайджан, www.aktiv-ol.az
Телекоммуникации, связь... Показать еще
Acting FTTB Sales and Customer Care Manager
Develop existing sales channels and set up new ones
Manage sales team on a daily basis
Planning of the sales on a monthly basis
Monitoring sales activities
Developing a sales team
Optimisation of Customer Care procecess
Managing of CR and back office team
Prepare a corrective actions based on customer complaints.
Декабрь 2011 — Июль 2012
8 месяцев
Азербайджан, www.aktiv-ol.az
Телекоммуникации, связь... Показать еще
FTTB Marketing Manager
Develop, establish and maintain marketing strategies to meet organizational objectives. Effective management of the marketing, branding and promotional activities of the organization.
Manage and coordinate all marketing, branding and promotional activities of FTTB project
Conduct market research to determine market requirements for existing and future products/services
Analyze customer research, current market conditions and competitor information
Develop effective branding of FTTB products/services;
Develop quarterly and annual marketing plan; define KPIs and implement marketing plan for new and existing products
Tracking of technology and market trends; evaluation of potential growth options
Monitor, review and report on all marketing activity and results
Determine and manage the marketing budget
Deliver marketing activity within agreed budget
Develop branding strategies for co-marketing and cross-selling
Develop product roadmap for next 18 months
Control strategic marketing rollout aspects of FTTB project.
Октябрь 2010 — Декабрь 2011
1 год 3 месяца
Embawood LLC
Азербайджан, www.embawood.com
Товары народного потребления (непищевые)... Показать еще
Head of Marketing, Azerbaijan
Develop and implement marketing plans for Azerbaijan market
To conduct, analyze market researches and report findings to the management
Propose new products for developing of product portfolio
Prepare SWOT, ABC, XYZ and competitive analysis
Control ATL and BTL activities indicated in marketing plan
Preparation and control on yearly marketing budgets
Outsourcing of advertising agencies
Manage, develop and evaluate the marketing team
Propose list of models that must be removed from manufacture
Prepare quarterly, yearly reports and also reports on demand of management
Propose updates for existing products
Evaluate the prototype of new products proposed by R&D dept
Control on time reporting for each project implemented
Propose regions for opening new shops on the basis of these analysis.
Февраль 2010 — Октябрь 2010
9 месяцев
Bakcell Ltd.
Азербайджан, www.bakcell.com
Телекоммуникации, связь... Показать еще
Senior BTL Specialist
Develop and implement strategy on monitoring of market communication and adjust it in accordance with Bakcell’s brand guidelines and legislation of Azerbaijan Republic
Tracking, monitoring, analyzing, controlling and reporting the information on the external advertisement
Research on the needs, order and providing dealers and retail shops, Customer Care Centers and Corporate Sales Dept. with the POS and advertisement materials
Research the service quality by developing and organizing Mystery Shopping activities
Develop and conduct trainings for Sales and Customer Care departments’ employees
Deal with outdoor advertisement related questions and complaints
Manage and facilitate all licensing and payment related activities with the executive powers, municipalities and other government bodies
Working out, maintenance and updating of Corporate Glossary in Azeri, English and Russian
Proofreading of Azeri, English and Russian texts used in Marketing Communication materials
Preparation of the yearly and monthly plans, budgets and reports.
Preparation of TV reportages.
Январь 2005 — Январь 2010
5 лет 1 месяц
Bakcell Ltd
Азербайджан, www.bakcell.com
Телекоммуникации, связь... Показать еще
Public Relations Manager
Responsible for internal and external communications and public relations activities (including charity and sponsorship) and materials including publications and so forth.
Write articles, press releases, interviews and speeches for company’s spokespersons in Azeri, Russian and English.
Communicate with reporters, business clubs, governmental and non-governmental organizations, ministries, local authorities, children’s homes and boarding schools.
Organize press conferences, signing and opening ceremonies.
Development and implementation of incentive programs and events for employees, customers, etc.
Development and control over the content of the corporate intranet site.
Organization of shooting of the corporate films.
Plans the placement of advertisement in printed Mass Media and web.
Participation in development, pricing and communication of the new Products, Value Added Services, campaigns, lotteries and SMS voting projects as a member of a marketing team
Conduct trainings in the field of marketing and company’s presentations for the staff and universities.
Январь 2001 — Январь 2004
3 года 1 месяц
Bakcell Ltd
Азербайджан, www.bakcell.com
Телекоммуникации, связь... Показать еще
Project Manager
Development, implementation and control of the projects (Simphony, web site, “Song for You” Value Added Service, “Klass” Points of Sales etc.) in Baku and regions.
Analysis of macro and microenvironment.
Conduct market research and analysis.
Collecting and interpreting of research information.
Conduct of competitor’s analysis.
Building of dealer’s network.
Selecting and managing sales and promo people.
Managing branch offices’ employees assigned for the projects.
Preparation and conducting of promotions
Development, translation and adaptation of content in Azeri, Russian and English for use in printed, video, audio and system materials.
Январь 2000 — Январь 2001
1 год 1 месяц
Afandi Consultancy
СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще
Set up and organization of business.
Preparation of all the documents needed for smooth operation of a business.
Development and implementation of projects on publishing (“Discover Azerbaijan” Guide for Travelers, Map of Baku).
Work with suppliers on production of printing materials.
Work with key corporate clients on sales of advertisement in company’s publications.
Январь 1998 — Январь 1999
1 год 1 месяц
AZAL Service
СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще
Marketing Engineer
Set up and manage of sales team
Development and implementation of marketing projects on the territory of “Bina” International Airport and in the sphere of publishing.
Development and implementation of the projects on advertisement on the helicopters.
Development of the project on placement of advertising constructions in “Bina” International Airport.
Work with corporate clients on rent of airplanes and helicopters.
Январь 1997 — Январь 1998
1 год 1 месяц
СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще
Advertising Manager
Work with prospective and current customers.
Development and carrying out of advertising campaigns and promotions.
Media planning.
Campaign evaluation.
Январь 1996 — Январь 1997
1 год 1 месяц
ANS Commerce
Азербайджан, anskommers.ws/
СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще
Advertising Manager
Establishing a relationship with prospective clients.
Development and carrying out of advertising campaigns on TV, radio, newspapers etc.
Media planning.
Обо мне
Accomplished and resourceful professional with more than 20 years of extensive experience credited in business development, marketing and sales, training and coaching, consulting and executive search within telecommunication, sports, aviation, consulting and construction industries. Possess hands-on experience in increase in sales, proposing additional sales channels with big potential for the growth of sales, and reducing call centre costs. Highly skilled in project management, capturing opportunities, generating new business, and implementing innovative strategies that increase sales and expand markets. Recognised for maintaining an outstanding record of achievement leading to accelerated sales growth and improved operational efficiency. Adept at assessing client needs and providing consistent service and follow up to ensure long-term relationships. Multilingual business consultant, trainer and coach with excellent communication, analytical and problem solving skills.
Высшее образование
Netherlands Institute of Marketing
Marketing, Marketing
Project Management, Project Management
Азербайджанская Государственная Нефтяная Академия
ФАПП, Прикладная математика
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
Маркетинг Директор
Moscow Business School, Маркетинг
3 months Qualifying Program on Marketing
Diploma from Netherlands Institute of Marketing, Marketing
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Азербайджан
Разрешение на работу: Азербайджан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения