Больше информации по резюме будет доступно после регистрации



Женщина, 37 лет, родилась 6 июня 1987

Баку, готова к переезду, не готова к командировкам

Директор по маркетингу

1 500  на руки

  • Директор по маркетингу и PR (CMO)
  • Руководитель отдела маркетинга и рекламы

Занятость: полная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день

Опыт работы 19 лет 3 месяца

Март 2009по настоящее время
16 лет 1 месяц
1news.az Company


Projects Director, Marketing and PR Manager, Graphic Designer, ART Director.
Deliver marketing activity within agreed budget Develop pricing strategy Manage the productivity of the marketing plans and projects Determine and manage the marketing budget Manage and coordinate all marketing, advertising and promotional staff and activities Coordinate all projects in company with the other companies. Working closely with the copywriter to generate creative ideas and concepts to fulfil the client's brief; Producing sketches or 'storyboards' (television) or 'roughs' or 'scamps' (print) to communicate ideas to the client; Gaining an understanding of the target audience and business that the advert is aimed at; Meeting with the creative director and account managers before presenting ideas to clients; Pitching ideas to clients; Briefing other members of the creative team; Commissioning photographers, artists or film-makers to work on projects; Visiting and assessing locations for potential shoots; Working on location; Attending meetings at production houses and with other directors; Working in editing suites to oversee the finished product; Advising new creatives, reviewing their 'books' and managing new teams on placement with the agency.
Январь 2009Декабрь 2010
2 года
ASE International Express
Senior Export Coordinator
Organization of goods transportation from different countries worldwide for the large chain of stores in Baku Transportation: Sea/Road/Air Negotiations with suppliers and relevant brand managers. Documents’ collection and control, registration of outstanding shipments in logistics database. Making decision on methods of transportation. Negotiations with forwarding agents, search of alternative agents when and as required. Control of costs on transportation. Consolidation of cargo. Organization of customs clearance. Provision of on-time delivery of goods and cargo to warehouses and stores. Assurance that goods are delivered properly and in concordance with export documents. Export of unused materials and goods back to suppliers. Preparation of export documentation. Temporary import. Reporting to engaged positions on shipment status.
Январь 2007Декабрь 2009
3 года
MBASK Insurance Company
Assistant to the Chairman of the Board
Assistance in Manager's documents' activities Taking part in preparing of different presentations and reports for managers Arranging, coordinating meetings Business trips Translations Work with documents Booking hotels, tickets etc.Other administrative tasks
Декабрь 2006Декабрь 2007
1 год 1 месяц
Overtime Logistic Services LLC
Logistic Manager
Preparation and sending of proposals. Preparation of advertisement contracts. Control of payments and invoicing. Receiving, filling, & sorting all incoming /outgoing faxes. Working with Internet and E-mail. Other duties as assigned by direct / indirect supervisors. Searching for a new clients. Duties of HR Department
Январь 2006Декабрь 2006
1 год
Anglo-American Business Services & ATTAS Pr Alliance
Human Resources Department, Training/admin coordinator
Teaching working experience to volunteers/candidate, Answering the telephone calls, Taking and recording messages, Making outgoing calls when requested, Translating contracts, notes, documents, letters, Receiving, filling, & sorting all incoming/outgoing faxes, Typing of the text and documents in Azeri, Russian and English, Maintaining filling system & filling documents, Correcting and formatting the documents, Other duties as assigned by direct/ indirect supervisors


Уровни владения навыками
Графический дизайн
Cоциальный маркетинг
Trade Marketing
Маркетинговые исследования
Управление командой
Административное управление

Обо мне

Proven competence in working with others in a team effort Skilled at working with people with diverse backgrounds Hard working and creative person Responsible, efficient, and flexible


Высшее образование

Азербайджанский экономический университет
Международные экономические отношения, Экономист

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Азербайджан

Разрешение на работу: Азербайджан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения