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Мужчина, 36 лет, родился 25 августа 1988
Не ищет работу
Баку, готов к переезду (Беларусь, Грузия, Другие регионы, Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Россия, Узбекистан, Украина), готов к командировкам
Chief Information Technology Officer, Операционный Директор (COO), Консультант
- Директор по информационным технологиям (CIO)
- Руководитель группы разработки
Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа
График работы: полный день, гибкий график, удаленная работа
Опыт работы 18 лет 3 месяца
Июль 2020 — по настоящее время
4 года 9 месяцев
Баку, www.yelo.az
Финансовый сектор... Показать еще
Chief Information Technology Officer
Chief Information Technology Officer, (60+ staff, 5+ outstaff consultants)
Key technology lead combining hardware infrastructure, software development, digital banking, and business process optimization oriented on the business development and automation of the Bank’s technology towards Bank 4.0.
ØMember of the Management team reporting directly to CEO, aimed on strategic transformation of the “legacy” technology to the Bank 4.0, compiling a proper organization, expertise and process transformation
Ø Best on the market Mobile Banking (iOS, Andriod) and Internet Banking applications rollout, including internal team formation, covering initial design, architecture, development and testing. Set up as a separate stream under CTIO area – Digital Banking.
Ø Implementation of the centralized Data Warehouse and Reporting & Analytics
Ø Completion of the project on the implementation of central CRM platform and loan origination
fabric (including automated scoring and decision-making machine).
ØChange management process implemented, covering request & response on the
development of new products and change of paradigm to Agile mindset.
Ø Global swap and change of the hardware stack from legacy server architecture towards hyper-convergent enterprise cloud solution, with full redundancy on disaster recovery and
easy DevOps implementation (which resulted in 45% OPEX reduction).
Ø Ongoing active project on the change to Reactive-engineering/development paradigm and
enhancement of new created micro-service architecture to actor-based model.
Ø Leading optimization of the bank staff (business side) towards automation of the man-power
of the administrative blocks of the bank, leading to Value-Chain creaton.
Август 2017 — Июль 2020
3 года
Smart Solutions
Баку, www.smartsolutions.az
Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще
COO & Managing Partner
Smart Solution, LLC, Azerbaijan, Baku 2017 – Present
Azerbaijani IT Company providing packaged application software, services and support to international business customers, such as telcos, banks and manufacturing companies
COO & Managing Partner, (40+ staff, 15+ outstaff consultants)
Entrepreneurial driven and vision demonstrated though creation of new leadership organization, that structured ongoing operational activities and resulted in improved time-to-market from 8 to 3 months in average, and delivered revenue powered by operational savings. Initiated global Customer Care & Demand Management program.
Ø Key member of senior executive team reporting directly to CEO, providing input and assisting on making decisions on strategic growth initiatives, acquisitions, product’s directions, innovative new products and customer offerings, and company policies and procedures.
Ø Crafted new strategic business unit consisting of SaaS, remote applications management and audit/assessment services. For last 3 months, complete SaaS model was driven to production hosting already over 20 customers on 10+ environments.
Ø eSatinalma (etender.gov.az) Project planning, implementation and development, state procurement tendering platform. Whole country switch to electronic tenders. Organization of support & maintenance center, Customer Care center and training center.
Ø BP Azerbaijan, Management and service delivery leadership of outsource IT&S Project Management.
Ø BP Azerbaijan, Management and service delivery of global IPT project from analog Siemens infrastructure to VoIP CISCO Call Manager for onshore and 8 offshore platforms. VoIP maintenance service supervision and Hotline upgrade projects for offshore and cross-country pipeline.
Август 2017 — Апрель 2019
1 год 9 месяцев
IT Project Start-up
Consultant to CEO
Selected to develop and integrate internal business and change management process. Completely restructured the teams in accordance with prior assessment and analysis to the efficient manufacturing and development team, supporting ongoing organizational growth.
Ø Planned and implemented internal business processes audit project for 150+ staff organization, focused on the building proper manufacturing and R&D organization. Implementation of proper change management procedure across all technical function, significantly improved research & development and improved timeline for commercial delivery.
Ø Deployed new approach to supplier & vendor management driven by business needs of the company, resulted in OPEX savings in first quarter after “go live” with close interaction with new developed support structure.
Ø Completed full IT migration to the own cloud infrastructure, with no impact on the ongoing activities and zero downtime for business units.
Май 2015 — Июль 2017
2 года 3 месяца
Баку, www.bakcell.com
Телекоммуникации, связь... Показать еще
CTO, Bakcell-Iran MVNO Project
As a key technical executive, I was assigned to drive this initiative as a CTO from the group on the
Bakcell-Iran MVNO Project.
Ø MVNO Technical Requirements definition, business case was set-up and adopted to various technical solutions and accommodation to different business models to deliver full stack analysis taking into account technological trends and non-standard architectural approaches to the end solution design.
Ø Being a main technical executive on the project, planned and successfully completed negotiation sessions with primary MNOs, during technical and commercial sessions,
completing formal MVNO questioners with deep involvement of government bodies,
targeted to get qualification for MVNO license.
Ø Taking a leadership role in development of a network costing model for rollout, and
operation of MNO network in the North of Iran to support a business development opportunity for providing outsourced network construction and operation to one of the MNO’s in Iran under a Build-Operate-Transfer (BoT) model.
Июль 2011 — Июль 2017
6 лет 1 месяц
Иран, www.bakcell.com
Телекоммуникации, связь... Показать еще
Operations Centre Director
Ø Network to Service Operations Centre (NOC to SOC) Transformation Project, was initiated and completed following of the best practice to deliver a completely new vision on the service monitoring and customer experience for the technology, marketing and sales teams.
Ø Managed Infrastructure Modernisation Project, covering complete electrical, air- conditioning and access control systems swap with no down-time and zero impact on the business.
Ø Leader in the deployment of Customer Experience Management System (CEM) project covering the passive-probing off entire network, delivering completely new view for technology area and business units.
Ø LTE Project Supervision, rolling out and bringing “on-air” 1200 LTE base-stations within 1-year period and further upgrade to LTE-A. Planned works coordination to ensure less customer impact.
Ø Rollout of Bakcell Free Wi-Fi Project, was leaded and accomplished by rolling-out 300+ access points across the country with internal resources and in-house developed central AAA system with intangible cost for the company.
Ø Change Management System procurement and integration across the organization.
Ø Umbrella Fault Management System project accomplishment with complete integration of all OSS systems to one screen and co-integration with Change/Incident Management
Сентябрь 2006 — Февраль 2011
4 года 6 месяцев
Jet Infosystems
Москва, jet.msk.su
Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще
General Region Service Engineer
Administration of two server-client Systems created in Ministry of Internal Affairs: • Creating and Installation
• Service and Technical Support
• Troubleshooting
• Supporting external clients
• Network administration (200 users)
• Upgrading software and hardware
• Patching all types of software up to date
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Права категории B
Обо мне
Performance focused technology executive consistently delivering and driving highly strategic business initiatives to support corporate goals. Innovator in launching technical strategies, programs and services to boost technical performance, enhance human capital, capture new revenue opportunities to cover business demands.
Demonstrated track record of providing executive leadership and management of international teams in challenging environment and tight deadlines, delivering demand-covering results in timely and efficient way. Adept of agile approach to project delivery.
Executive Leadership Competencies:
Business/Financial Planning | Due Diligence & Negotiations | Strategic Planning Sales, Marketing & Business Development | Growth Initiatives | Budget Management Vendor Relationships | Risk Analysis | Internal Change Management | Outsourcing
Technical Operations Competencies:
Support & Services | Product Design & Development | Team Training | Product Launch Managed Services | Quality Assurance | Recruitment | Rollout | Infrastructure Management Accounting, Legal & HR Functions
Высшее образование
Azerbaijan State Oil Academy
Processes Automatisation, Automatics, Telemechanics & Electronics
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
Telecommunications MBA
Telelcoms Academy / OVUM
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Азербайджан, Россия
Разрешение на работу: Азербайджан, Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения