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Male, 39 years, born on 22 August 1985
Considers offers
Baku, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
BDM, enterprise, commercial, channel development, sales, project, and marketing specialist.
- Chief executive officer (CEO)
- Chief information officer (CIO)
- Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)
- Sales manager, account manager
- Maintenance department manager/head
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 21 year 2 months
May 2023 — currently
1 year 11 months
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Director of Business development in Turkey and Azerbaijan
Everething :)
September 2020 — April 2023
2 years 8 months
ERC Holding
Enterprise Business
Построение и развитие партнёрского и канала продаж, организация взаимодействия с партнёрами, поддержание и развитие портфеля дистрибуции, контроль и организация семинаров, вебинаров, других маркетинговых мероприятий. Работа с заказчиками, консультации и всесторонняя поддержка. Работа с командой, управление продажами, управление маркетингом, административное управление, развитие и организация обучения.
July 2018 — September 2020
2 years 3 months
Baku, www.huawei.com
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Multi-Country Enterprise Channel Manager (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kirgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan)
Channel development.
August 2011 — July 2018
7 years
Baku, www.mont.ru
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Microsoft, Redhat PM and BDM.
MONT Group of Companies is one of the largest software distributors in CIS.
• ACTIVE RESELLERS: more than 4000 organizations
• FOCUS: Software Distribution
MONT is an authorized distributor for more than 30 vendors representing broadline and niche solutions for various segments of market - ABBYY, Adobe Systems, Agnitum, Atlansys, Autodesk, ASCON, CA Technologies, Check Point, CommVault, Corel Corporation, Crossbeam Systems, Dr. WEB, Embarcadero Technologies, Entensys, ESET, GFI, IBM, Kaspersky Lab, Kerio, McAfee, Microsoft, Oracle, PROMT, Red Hat, RSA Security, SAP, SMART, Symantec, Trend Micro, Veeam Software, VMware.
April 2011 — August 2011
5 months
Head Technology
Baku, www.headtechnology.com
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Product manager
Product manager.
April 2008 — April 2011
3 years 1 month
Baku, job.lanit.ru
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Sales and marketing director.
LANIT group of companies – LAboratory of New Information Technologies – is Russia’s leading group of IT-companies with over two decades of successful history. The group consists of various IT-companies providing full range of IT-services. It constantly enhances the product range by implementing new cutting-edge technologies and most demanded solutions.
At the moment LANIT is Russia’s largest system integrator and leading partner of over 200 world’s leading IT-hardware and software vendors. In 2011 LANIT was listed in Russia’s TOP-3 IT-companies (by RIA Analytics, Expert RA). It is featured in “Russia’s 200 largest companies” rating by Forbes and “Russia’s 400 companies with largest sales volumes” by Expert RA.
Russia’s largest banks, oil and gas, manufacturing and other companies are featured among LANIT’s customers. To name some of them: Bank of Russia, Sberbank, VTB, Federal Treasury, Ministry of Economics and Development, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Transportation, Pension Fund of Russia, Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, TNK-BP, Rosenergoatom, INTER RAO EES, Norilsk Nickel, Rosnano, Metalloinvest, Severstal, Alrosa, MTS, Vim-Bill-Dann Foodstuffs, Dymov Sausage Factory, Freight One and others.
The group is comprised of 42 regional companies, subsidiaries, resource and educational centers.
LANIT’s consolidated turnover in 2011 totaled 58,7 billion roubles (VAT included).
All group’s companies boast professional and stable staff of over 5000 employees. Many of them hold scientific degrees and over 1200 hold leading vendors expertise certificates. Russia’s leading recruiting and human-resource portal Superjob.ru awarded LANIT with “Trusted employer” status 5 times in a row since 2007.
February 2004 — April 2008
4 years 3 months
Baku, www.socar.az
Oil and Gas... Show more
Managing of a sport division in the state oil company of Azerbaijan Republic.
Skill proficiency levels
About me
Born in Baku, experience over 15 years in the areas of: sales, marketing, management, business development. I have extensive experience in foreign companies. I am fond of technology, modern art, cars, sports. I do not smoke, alcohol is strictly on holidays :) The work is responsible, attentive, careful. I quickly join the team and organization's business environment, sociable, stress-resistant. / Родился в Баку, опыт работы более 15 лет в сферах: продажи, маркетинга, управления, развития бизнеса. Имею большой опыт работы в иностранных компаниях. Увлекаюсь технологиями, современным искусством, автомобилями, спортом. Не курю, алкоголь строго по праздникам :) В работе ответственен, внимателен, аккуратен. Быстро вливаюсь в коллектив и бизнес среду организации, коммуникабелен, стрессо-устойчив.
Higher education (bachelor)
Azerbaijan International University
Social-culture service and tourism, Manager
College du Leman
IGCSE, High school
Secondary school number: 102
Tests, examinations
Huawei, Sales Professional
Veeam Availability Suite 9.5
Veeam, Veeam Sales Professional (VMSP)
Prometric, Microsoft Certified Network Product Specialist
Prometric, Microsoft licensed technilogy specialist
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Azerbaijan
Permission to work: Azerbaijan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter