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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Male, 39 years, born on 29 January 1986
Baku, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
Project Manager
1 800 ₼ in hand
- Project manager
Employment: full time, part time, project work, work placement
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 15 years 10 months
October 2017 — currently
7 years 6 months
State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ASAN Xidmet)
Baku, asan.az
Government Organizations... Show more
Senior Adviser in electronic projects` management department
• Evaluate quality compliance with the electronic services provided by Ministries and other government bodies with ASAN (Azerbaijani Service of Assessment and Network) Index
• Evaluate public services provided by government and check their feasibility of switching to electronic service
• Lead projects initiated by ASAN Service
• Evaluate current project management principles within the Agency and adapt them to the PMI`s standards
• Implement PM tool and monitor the progress of all projects within Agency and report to management
• Initiate and arrange the transition to Agile programming within IT department by making necessary presentations management and creating the team of 9 members for developing touristic portal (DiscoverAzerbaijan.com) as a pilot project which was realised by using Scrum
August 2014 — July 2015
1 year
Baku European Games Operation Committee (BEGOC)
Baku, baku2015.com
Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more
Public Transport Manager
•Define Public Transport Modal Split for Games time:
- Planning shuttle bus lines, quantity and operation mode
- Planning & re-designing city bus lines route
- Synchronize public transports operation with Games demand
•Chair meetings of Transport Working Group/TWG (representatives of governmental
authorities managing transport services)
•Preparation of roasters for public transport staff
•Define express bus demand as per Games need,
•Preparation schedules for 18 Express bus lines (around 150 buses)
•Collaborating with Traffic Police for ensuring travel time for each route.
•Preparation and implementation of Metro operation plan for “Koroghlu” and “28
May- “Icheri sheher” stations for Torch Relay, Dress Rehearsal, Rump-up, etc.
•Plan and manage the supply of required facilities for transport malls in each venue
•Conduct training for State Automobile Transport Service representatives
•Arrange signage on the field upon Public Transport need
June 2014 — August 2014
3 months
Azerfon LLC
Azerbaijan, azerfon.az
Telecommunications, Communications... Show more
Project Management Coordinator
•Coordination of Company Portfolio – all Programs` and Projects` alignment with
overall company strategy
•Collect and deliver project information about all projects within an organization, to
executives and stakeholders
•Provide support, guidance and direction to project managers
•Ensure that all projects follow PM standards and organization policy
•Prepare procedures, processes for quality improvement of project management
•Create PM template base
•Arrange archiving historical project information and document recording
April 2007 — June 2014
7 years 3 months
Azerfon LLC
Azerbaijan, azerfon.az
Telecommunications, Communications... Show more
Offices Administration Manager
•Arrange and control administrative services for “Azerfon” LLC (700 employees) and
for Subsidiaries - Group Companies such as (“Azerconnect” LLC (200 employee),
”B&BTV” LLC (60 employees), “Azertelekom” LLC ( 46 employees), “Prodea”
LLC(10 employee)
•Control, improve, optimize General Administration Department`s works in all
premises (prepare and update relevant policy, procedures and processes)
•Hire employees, assess and evaluate their mid-year/annual performance
•Coordination of below mentioned services (with 110 employees)
- Document Flow and Achieving (1 team leader, 8 specialist),
- Transport Service (1 coordinator,1 specialist, 27 drivers)
- Travel Services (1 supervisor, 1 specialist, outsource company)
- Maintenance Service (1 specialist, 1 senior engineer, 5 masters)
- Catering Service (1 specialist, outsource company)
- Cleaning Service (1 specialist, 28 cleaners)
- Security Service (1 chief of security, 32 security) in all 6 premises (HQ, 3 Core Sites,
warehouse and Call Center Office) of “Azerfon” LLC
•Preparing Annual Budget for General Administration and Legal Department
- Control over Administrative and Legal Department`s Budget and make
necessary relocations
- Prepare Monthly Reports for Controlling and Accounting Team on behalf of
General Administration and Legal Department
•Controlling and optimization of Admin HelpDesk (centralized requests processing
unit) working process
Arrange documentation (Work Permit, Residence Permit, Police Registration,
Medical Certificates, Visa, etc.) to migration service for expatriates
•Initiate tender requests, evaluate Tenders related with AdministrativeDepartment, and prepare Approval Spending Requests to BoD.
•Preparation of SLAs for Administrative services
•Define the scope of work, procure materials, prepare an action plan, coordination,
acceptance and hand over of construction works
•Coordinate Movement Projects
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category B, CHigher education (master)
University of Glasgow
Computer Science, Master of Science in Information Technology
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
MBA, Production and Operation Management
Azerbaijan State Economics University
Economics, International Economic Relations
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Azerbaijan
Permission to work: Azerbaijan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter