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Мужчина, 42 года, родился 24 декабря 1982
Баку, готов к переезду (Казахстан, Россия, Узбекистан, Украина), готов к командировкам
Указан примерный район поиска работы
HSE Engineer
250 000 ₽ на руки
- Другое
Занятость: полная занятость, проектная работа
График работы: полный день, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 17 лет 3 месяца
Февраль 2018 — Май 2021
3 года 4 месяца
Tecnicas Reunidas), HSE Deputy Manager Haydar Aliyev Oil Refinery (HAOR), Modernization and Reconstruction Project Azerbaijan, Baku
HSE Deputy Manager
Advises, mentors and supports the Contactor for all aspects of construction HSSE.
Supports the overall construction.
Implements HSSE Department Policy and initiatives as directed by the HSSE Manager.
Prepares monthly HSSE reports as directed by the HSSE Site Manager as needed.
Review Contractor’s HSSE documentation. Monitor and ensure implementation of the Contractor’s approved HSSE Plan.
Provides guidance and consultation to the Contractor on day-to-day HSSEMS issues as needed.
Conducting requested HSSE Inspection / Audits as needed by the HSSE Site Manager.
Interfaces with other EPC HSSE Engineers, HSSE department and Plant Operations HSSE. Coordinates relevant communications between stakeholders.
Assists the HSSE Site Manager in the collection of Safety Statistics from Contractors and issue Safety Performance Statistics as needed for reports.
Monitor project Safety program to ensure it supports construction progress through proactive planning with the HSSE Site Manager.
Enforces HSSEMS contractual requirements. Encourage Contractors to adopt TR Safety Standards and other industry best practices in HSSE where they are not fully covered BY HSSEMS.
Evaluate the Sub contractor’s HSSE performance on an on-going basis. Make recommendations for improvement to the HSSE Site Manager.
Evaluate and communicate HSSE performance issues on the projects and develop mitigating plans with the HSSE Site Manager.
Conduct accident / near miss investigations as requested
Ensure toolbox talks, safety alerts and HSSE lessons learned from incident investigations are effectively communicated to Contractor craft by the Contractor supervision and management.
Provides training in subjects in which he is competent to act as an instructor and as directed by the HSSE Site Manager.
Completes personal HSSE Induction Training and other training to support individual and mandatory training required.
Uses his experience to resolve HSSE issues at site in a timely manner. Engages the HSSE Site Manager as needed for resolution of other issues. Engages the project chain of command and the HSSE Site Manager to obtain resolution as needed.
Represent the project on HSSE meetings as required.
Ensure that safety inspections are carried out, fire drills and fire alarms are correctly reported, safety inspections, risk assessments and lone working procedures are managed and employees are aware of their responsibilities.
Act as the leave cover for the HSSE Site Manager if mutually agreed.
Декабрь 2016 — Январь 2018
1 год 2 месяца
BP), Health Safety Environment Advisor (Main Contractor is Saipem) Shah Deniz 2 Project; DBA/PLBH Barge Jacket installation and Subsea operations Azerbaijan, Caspian Sea
HSE Adviser
Check CoW (Control of Work) process within the organisation
Review Action Tracking Register and ensure for quality/relevance PTW/JSA and TRAs.
Ensure compliance with job specific Health, Safety & Environmental Security (HSES) responsibilities.
Make audit and monitoring on performing of high potential hazardous activities.
Share information Last 7 day’s incidents in BP project to communicate Lesson Learned to all vessel employees by Contractor HSE rep in pre-shift TBT.
Participate in the weekly VMT walkthrough, and then attend to the HSE meeting where discussing raised action during the last week.
Initiate and advise solutions to Contractor HSE reps about unsafe working conditions on the vessel.
Advise supervisors and foremen on Client and local regulatory requirements.
Assist BP CVR s (Construction Vessel Representatives) in planning and conducting required construction HAZID, HSES audits and inspections.
Ensure promotion of detailed Vessel safety awareness and Welcome back inductions in all employees
Prepare monthly and weekly HSE reports for onshore management by reviewing Contractor safety observation statistics and data.
Finalise weekly BP Self-Verification and Oversight reports that focused on compliance with Contractor procedure requirements
Investigate, analyse record and report all injuries and incidents and near misses.
Take part Task Risk Assessment review meeting and suggest/advise on residual risks for precaution measures.
Check required adequate communication and proper/close supervision in a daily inspection.
Make sure all emergency drills conducted as per schedule and reported in timely manner.
Carry out any other duties as instructed by Onshore HSES Manager and BP Construction Vessel Rep as deemed necessary
Ensure that full compliance with CLIENT's HSE procedures and requirements have been implemented and maintained by all associated Contractors and Suppliers.
Август 2014 — Октябрь 2016
2 года 3 месяца
Tecnicas Reunidas, Health Safety Environment Engineer Volgograd Deep Conversion Plant. (Lucoil Refinery) Russia, Volgograd
HSE Supervisor
Work with Client Project Managers to implement changes to raise HSES performance.
Cascade Company’s Safety, Training and Environmental Program’s.
Ensure compliance with job specific Health, Safety & Environmental Security (HSES) responsibilities.
Develop and maintain good working relationships with the line management, yard personnel and client representatives through participation in planning, supervisor and yard safety committee meetings.
Participate, monitor and conduct lessons learnt for scheduled emergency drills.
Ensure compliance with Company, Client and Regulatory Authorities, Policies and Procedure during assignments to projects or within area of responsibility.
Initiate and advise solutions of unsafe working conditions.
Advise supervisors and foremen on Client and local regulatory requirements.
Assist in planning and conducting required construction HAZID, HSES audits and inspections.
Promote detailed safety awareness in all employees and contractors employed by Lucoil such as Control of Substances Hazardous to Health and Environment. (COSHHE).
Review, audit and advice on the Permit to Work System for assigned projects.
Investigate, analyse record and report all injuries and incidents and near misses.
Assist supervisors and yard personnel in completing Risk Assessments (RA’s) and Job Safety Analysis (JSA’s) and maintain records for assigned projects and / or within area of responsibility.
Liaise daily with Lucoil Project Managers and Client representatives on all project specific issues and concerns.
Advise and supervise HSES personnel assigned to projects or within area of responsibility. Ensure communication with Senior Safety Officer on all aspects concerning manpower issues and manning levels.
Carry out any other duties as instructed by Group HSES Manager and Facility HSES Manager as deemed necessary
Июнь 2012 — Июль 2014
2 года 2 месяца
Tecnicas Reunidas, Health Safety Environment Coordinator Khabarovsk Hydro Processing Project (Alliance, Khabarovsk refinery) Tecnicas Reunidas, Health Safety Environment Coordinator Khabarovsk Hydro Processing Project (Alliance, Khabarovsk refinery) Russian Federation, Khabarovsk
HSE Supervisor
Visit various industrial premises to inspect processes and procedures and ensure good health and safety practice;
Design and facilitate mandatory and recommended HS & E related training. Issue and maintained all related certifications and training records for internal/external audit purposes.
Establish superior client relationships.
Coordinate inspection audits of facility and equipment to identify health and safety hazards and follow-up corrective actions.
Maintain records and: i) coordinated investigation of and maintain records for work related accidents, injuries, illnesses and incidents; and ii) made recommendations to reduce or eliminate root causes.
Manage WSIB, Short Term Disability (STD) and Long Term Disability (LTD) claims, working collaboratively with third party administrators, supervisors, and the employee to facilitate early and safe return to work plans.
Coordinate and monitored environmental control activities in addition to be responsible for waste minimization, recycling, reduction of hazardous chemicals, pollution control, and health/safety/environmental regulatory requirements.
Develop partnerships with external agencies and organizations committed to employee safety, health and wellness
Adhere to all company policies and procedures.
Perform all job functions in a safe and healthful manner, abiding by and in accordance with all applicable Health, Safety and Environmental company policies and government legislation/regulations.
Keep abreast of changes to legislation, trends and best practices in order to contribute to the development of policies and work practices
Adhere to the Company’s Quality System operating procedures.
Perform other duties as assigned by Management.
Июнь 2011 — Июнь 2012
1 год 1 месяц
Health Safety Environment Engineer Strabag, Crescent hotels construction project,
HSE Engineer
Visiting various business and industrial premises to inspect processes and procedures and ensure good health and safety practice;
Investigating accidents and complaints and determining if there has been a breach of health and safety law;
Carrying out examinations of machinery, working environments and structures, taking measurements of noise, heat, and vibrations, and taking photographs and samples where necessary;
Ensuring workers are provided with suitable protective equipment, such as eye goggles, ear protectors or appropriate types of gloves and clothing;
Investigating precautions taken to prevent industrial diseases;
Investigating procedures for working in hazardous environments or with potentially harmful substances;
Keeping up to date with new legislation and health and safety standards;
Staying informed about developments within particular sectors, e.g. in agricultural or construction settings;
Providing specialist advice and information on health and safety to businesses and organisations and advising on changes required;
Negotiating with managers and operators to try to eliminate possible conflicts between safety considerations and production/profit;
Writing reports on results of inspections and investigations and completing detailed paperwork;
Determining when action, i.e. notices and/or prosecution, may be necessary and gathering and presenting the appropriate evidence;
Developing health and safety working programmes and strategies;
Developing methods to predict possible hazards drawn from experience, historical data and other appropriate information sources;
Providing training and educational support to employers and new/trainee employees.
Июль 2007 — Июнь 2011
4 года
AA Services, Health Safety Security Environment Officer Waste Management in the BP projects and worksites
HSE Specialist
Develop of Project HSE Management System & HSE Plan.
Confirm rigorous implementation of the HSE Guidelines.
Prepare health and safety strategies and developing internal policy
Ensure that all Contractors engaged on Project activity adopt and implement HSE Plans commensurate with the scope-specific risks
Build HSE team / resources to support delivery of Project objectives
Transfer best practices and lessons learned from other projects
Ensure that Client HSE expectations are fully understood and implemented.
Work with the Engineering Authority to ensure technical integrity and inherent safety in design
Staff and manage HSE design and site team
Define HSE strategies for the entire project and review the design studied from HSE point of view
Assist the engineering / management teams in the Risk Management process
Carry out regular site inspections to check policies and procedures are being properly implemented;
Lead in-house training with managers and employees about health and safety issues and risks;
Support in the delivery of all HSE training
Keep records of inspections findings and producing reports that suggest improvements;
Keep records of incidents and accidents and producing statistics
Support in Incident Investigations and reporting processes through participation, root cause analysis, actions closure, report review, etc.
Produce management reports, newsletters and bulletins;
Ensure the safe installation of equipment;
Manage and organize the safe disposal of hazardous substances, e.g. asbestos;
Advise on a range of specialist areas, e.g. fire regulations, hazardous substances, noise, safeguarding machinery and occupational diseases.
Define contractually and inform contractors of Client HSE requirements for the services and equipment to be provided, the scope of work of the contract and identified boundary conditions.
Confirm that contractors and subcontractor personnel receive a site- or project-specific induction that highlights Client’s HSE expectations, site hazards, and compliance tasks.
Represent Clients as HSE Lead at contractor meetings to facilitate understanding of project requirements.
Evaluate contractor performance at defined intervals to confirm conformance with Client requirements, provide feedback, lessons learned and a basis for improving future contractor selection and performance.
Октябрь 2005 — Июнь 2007
1 год 9 месяцев
Boss-Shelf JVC Construction Company, Health Safety Environment Officer WA/EA/DUQ and PDQ platforms; AIOC/BP Company
HSE engineer
Promote safety awareness and safe performance among project team members, including consultants and contractor personnel
Conduct daily safety inspections/assessments on-site and at key off-site subcontractor locations in accordance with established project and site safety plans or as requested by site team members
Identify and work to eliminate hazards, unsafe conditions, and unsafe acts; work with company, contractor, and subcontractor management toward achieving an injury-free work place
Conduct Incident root cause analysis on all Significant Near Misses and advise site team if any
Keep site management apprised of significant safety issues and plans/progress towards resolving issues and eliminating hazards
Advise site team of safety initiatives, issues, challenges, and incident investigations/follow-up
Support implementation of safety initiatives, achievements, experiences, and issues from other sites and projects with site team members and contractor/subcontractor safety site safety representatives/management
Monitor work processes to ensure compliance with the site work permit system and area/system responsibilities
Collect and share safety lessons learned with other sites and project and functional management
Февраль 2004 — Сентябрь 2005
1 год 8 месяцев
BTC Pump Station 2, Petrofac company
HSE officer
Conducting TBT to workforce,
Provision of Site Entry Induction to new employees
Making TRAs for scheduled activities
Daily Inspection of Permit to Work documents
Participation at Weekly Management Walkthrough
Supervision and checking lifting/rigging accessories
Carrying out monthly inspections on hand/power tools
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Имеется собственный автомобиль
Права категории B, CОбо мне
17 years Health and Safety experience with 10+years working in oil and gas industry, 7 +years working in civil construction and jacket in fabrication/installation on offshore.
Proven track record of providing proactive solutions to the business to continuously educate and prevent incidents.
Extensive experience with incident management including root cause investigations audits and inspections.
Knowledge of industry trends, performance and standard health and safety metrics.
Strong organizational and project management skills.
Высшее образование
Azerbaijan Economical University
MBA, Economic
Azerbaijan International university
Lawyer, Lawyer
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
OSHA 233 hours course
OSHA, HSE Management and skills
TTI Petrofac, Incident Investigation
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Азербайджан
Разрешение на работу: Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения