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Male, 59 years, born on 21 May 1965
Baku, willing to relocate (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine), prepared for business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
1 000 ₼ in hand
- Sales assistant, sales cashier
Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 34 years 3 months
May 2014 — currently
10 years 11 months
Azmicroinvest Non Banking Financial Institution
Financial Sector... Show more
Board Advisor
-Developed credit policies, procedures
-Developed new products
-Conducted management, staff trainings
-Conducted marketting, assessment, monitoring
-Developed strategic/annual plans
-Developed internal auditing, staff training plans
-Conducted financial analysis, reporting (prudential, int-l)
-Prepared for rating, external auditing, etc tasks
-Assisted with international correspondence
February 2013 — currently
12 years 2 months
CBM, BEGOC, Atlant, Ikhlas etc. translations
Written translations of:
and technical documents.
October 2013 — May 2014
8 months
Azerbaijan Credit Unions Association (ACUA)
Azerbaijan, www.akia.az
Financial Sector... Show more
İnternational Relations Officer
-Trained member unions (85) in capacity building activity, preparing for international
-Builded relations with international investors, raters, auditors for member institutions
-Conducted written and verbal communication with investors, representing member
institutions interest
-Arranged due diligence visits, ratings, institutional diagnostic of investors into member
-Trained credit unions staff on auditing, financial management, business planning, HR,
marketing, MIS, etc.
-Developed projects tailored to members needs
March 2013 — October 2013
8 months
Phoenix Contracting (UK)
Oil and Gas... Show more
Cost Control Manager
-Provided cost advices, undertaken procurement activities and carried out post contract
cost control.
-Conducted cost planning, budget revisions, cost/change, timeline management
-Priced materials, labor, transportation, equipment, provided estimate reports on regular
basis, actual versus projected production costs report, data analyzing, determined
funding source allocation;
-Attended weekly review meeting with general contractor and project manager, risk
-Liaised with general contractor’s cost controller and owner’s representative;
June 2009 — February 2013
3 years 9 months
Inam Credit Union LLC
Financial Sector... Show more
Internal Auditor, Board Chairperson
-Developed annual audit plan, visit randomly selected clients business and home;
-Conducted regular internal audit according to annual plan on compliance procedures,
loan portfolio, MIS, financial transactions, HR issues, administrative issues
-Reviewed policy& procedures incl. audit manual, internal control system, risk
management policy, etc
-Generated monthly reports on internal audit, reported to board on quarterly base;
-Liaised with external auditor due to the end of financial year, provide vision and policy
-Provided expertise in key area of microfinance, banking, law, accounting and business
-Facilitated an additional network among microfinance, development and other like-
minded institutions;
-Assisted the Management Board in mobilizing funds from domestic and international
sources for concessional and commercial debt and for grants;
June 2002 — May 2009
7 years
Normicro NBFI, AMFA
Financial Sector... Show more
Management Board Chairman (Normicro), Board Member (AMFA)
- Engaged with daily management of the company engaged in issuing microcredits (2.5
M USD loans monthly)
- Managed more than 100 staff members, 11 branches, 15M loan portfolio, 15000
borrowers, 20 regions
- Established corporate management, developed Strategic&Annual Plans, policy and
procedures, etc.
- Conducted international rating, auditing, evaluation, market research,etc
- Reported to board, government agencies, founder, donors and lenders, raters,
auditors, evaluators, etc;
- Participated in preparing draft law on nonbanks, represented AMFA in world
conferences, etc.
September 1998 — June 2002
3 years 10 months
Norwegian Refugee Council
Project Coordinator
-Implemented 5 Income Generating Projects with 200-300K USD annual budgets;
-Prepared annual budgets and project proposal on LFA format;
-Prepared annual report for donors and government agencies;
-Established and managed revolving fund of Internally Displaced People, managed 20
project staff memb.
-Developed and maintained operational manuals and other relevant lending guidelines
February 1998 — August 1998
7 months
Tekfen (Turkey)
Oil and Gas... Show more
Data analyst, Cost controller, Interpreter
-Conducted data entry,
-Analysed oil pipeline coordinates,
-Reported regularly to contractors, etc partners
Translated docs in Turkish & English
June 1997 — February 1998
9 months
Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC)
Oil and Gas... Show more
-Interpreted training sessions (off-shore drilling, gas compressors, safe driving; team building, etc)
April 1997 — June 1997
3 months
Consafe (UK)
Oil and Gas... Show more
Warehouse Manager, Interpreter
-Conducted stock running,
-Regular reporting
-supervision of welders team of 20 people;
September 1995 — November 1996
1 year 3 months
Care International (USA)
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
Team Leader
-Supervised shelter building teams of 5 people;
-Constructed 305 shelters for IDP families;
-Prepared weekly plans, weekly/monthly reports,
-Conducted site visits, monitoring
January 1992 — September 1995
3 years 9 months
State Insurance Commercial Company (Azersigorta)
Financial Sector... Show more
Programmer, IT Manager
-Developed softwares for insurance products registration, statistics, etc
(Dbase, Foxbase, Clipper languages)
-Conducted system operations for computers
-Adjusted local nerworks
-Conducted antivurs checking, cleaning, etc
September 1990 — January 1992
1 year 5 months
State Medical Statistic Committee
Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacies... Show more
Software Developer
-Developed softwares for patients registration, statistics, etc processing
(Dbase, Foxbase, Clipper languages)
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category BAbout me
Part time engagement: Written/verbal translations, project designing, institutional consulting in planning, rating, financial management, auditing, developing policies and procedures, Forex Trading, Programming, etc.
I am a hardworking and fast-learning person, ready to cover the requirements of any suitable/potential jobs/vacancies within a very short timeframe, punctual, can work under pressure, to the predetermined deadlines with minimum management.
Higher education (master)
Азербайджансий государственный экономический университет
Фин.-кредит, Статистика
Автоматика, ЭВМ
Professional development, courses
Strategic Planning
Vantage Association (USA), Economist
General Banking
ABTC, Banker
Business Planning & Finance Modelling
MFC Poland, Economist
Universitet Oslo (Summer School), Economist
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Azerbaijan
Permission to work: Azerbaijan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter