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Male, 34 years, born on 23 August 1990
Baku, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
Молодой специалист
- Other
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
About me
07.2011-08.2011 (internship)
Complex Hydrogeology and Engineering geology expedition
As a young specialist with a good theoretical and practical experience this internship has allowed
to me develop excellent investigative and project management skills. I am sure that this short-term
practice carried out by the Complex Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Expedition assisted
me to expand my knowledge in the field and to grasp the importance and seriousness of oil industry.
Temporary internship
Higher education (bachelor)
Азербайджанской государственной нефтяной академии
геологическая разведка
Бакинский Государственный Университет
геология, Гидрогеологии и инженерной геологии
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Azerbaijan
Permission to work: Azerbaijan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter