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Мужчина, 44 года, родился 10 июля 1980
Баку, готов к переезду (Грузия, Индонезия, Ирак, Иран, Италия, Йемен, Казахстан, Канада, Катар, Кувейт, Оман, Россия, Сирия, Туркменистан, Турция, Финляндия, Швейцария, ЮАР), готов к командировкам
Указан примерный район поиска работы
Instrumentation Engineer
220 000 ₽ на руки
- Другое
Занятость: полная занятость, проектная работа
График работы: полный день, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 4 года 2 месяца
Апрель 2017 — Январь 2018
10 месяцев
Azfen JV (SD2 Commissioning Support Project)
Instrumentation Engineer
• Operate various test equipment to measure temperature, pressure, level, flow, voltage, current and other plant processes during normal operations and scheduled outages.
• Extensive troubleshooting, maintenance experience for Smart (HART) and Foundation Fieldbus (FF) type field devices of all process variable of various Manufacturer like, ABB, Emerson Rosemount, etc.
• Skilled to read Engineering Drawings, P&ID, Cause & Effect, Hook Up Drawings, Wiring Diagrams, Single Line Diagram for Electrical Installation, Schematic Diagrams, Logic Diagrams, Exploded Drawings, As Built Drawings, Loop Diagrams, Layout and Location Drawings.
• Verification of instrumentation equipment with DATA sheets and performs Ex inspection.
• Work with safety and control systems (ESD, F&G, DCS, ICS). Knowledge to work with DeltaV Distributed Control System (DCS) DeltaV Safety Instrumented System (SIS) and AMS Device Manager System.
• Different types of Test equipment such as Druck Pressure Calibrator, Comparator, Dead Weight Tester (DWT), Multimeter, Millivolt Source, Milliamp Source, Decade Box, Temperature Bath, Hart Smart Calibrator, DPI 620IS etc.
• Perform Preventive, Corrective, Repairs and Predictive Maintenance of the field instruments.
• Initiate the Permit and identify the hazards and control measures for the task being planned.
• Participate in any Risk Assessment where required.
• Hold tool box meetings as necessary to ensure that all other persons involved in the task fully understand the scope of the work, the identified hazards and associated controls (and ensure that all participating in the task sign off the worksite hard copy of the Permit).
• Provide the culture to “STOP the Job” if anyone feels unsafe or uncertain about any aspect of the task.
• Ensure that only personnel authorized by the Permit participate in the work and no unauthorized interference takes place.
• Ensure that if there are any changes to the initial Permit conditions the work is stopped and reassessed (Note: these include both changes in the work scope and conditions at the work site).
• Report and interact regularly with the AA on any issues, to ensure risks from all hazards continue to be mitigated by controls to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
• Ensure that any agreed supplementary controls are recorded on the Permit and applied.
• Ensure that only work covered within the Permit scope takes place.
• Ensure that lessons learned from the job are captured.
• Ensure that the worksite is kept in a clean and safe condition both during and upon completion of the job.
• Ensure adequate handovers take place at shift and crew change periods with the oncoming Performing and Area Authorities
Октябрь 2014 — Апрель 2017
2 года 7 месяцев
BP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Ltd
Instrumentation Technician
• Operate various test equipment to measure temperature, pressure, level, flow, voltage, current and other plant processes during normal operations and scheduled outages.
• Extensive troubleshooting, maintenance experience for Smart (HART) and Foundation Fieldbus (FF) type field devices of all process variable of various Manufacturer like, ABB, Emerson Rosemount, etc.
• Skilled to read Engineering Drawings, P&ID, Cause & Effect, Hook Up Drawings, Wiring Diagrams, Single Line Diagram for Electrical Installation, Schematic Diagrams, Logic Diagrams, Exploded Drawings, As Built Drawings, Loop Diagrams, Layout and Location Drawings.
• Verification of instrumentation equipment with DATA sheets and performs Ex inspection.
• Work with safety and control systems (ESD, F&G, DCS, ICS). Knowledge to work with DeltaV Distributed Control System (DCS) DeltaV Safety Instrumented System (SIS) and AMS Device Manager System.
• Different types of Test equipment such as Druck Pressure Calibrator, Comparator, Dead Weight Tester (DWT), Multimeter, Millivolt Source, Milliamp Source, Decade Box, Temperature Bath, Hart Smart Calibrator, DPI 620IS etc.
• Perform Preventive, Corrective, Repairs and Predictive Maintenance of the field instruments.
Декабрь 2013 — Октябрь 2014
11 месяцев
Caspian Investment and Development Corporation (CIDC)
Electrical Technician
• Installation of all electrical equipment. Lighting systems, cables, motors, distribution boards, panels, etc.
• Glanding and termination of many size cables.
• Use of multimeter and insulation resistance meter during testing of cables.
• Punchlist clearing.
• Experienced with all electrical drawings and completing the red line drawings.
• Test electrical systems and continuity of circuits in electrical wiring, equipment, and fixtures, using testing devices such as ohmmeters, voltmeters, and oscilloscopes.
Уровни владения навыками
Высшее образование (Бакалавр)
Azerbaijan Military Academy
Telecom, Application of Communication Apparatuses
Знание языков
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Азербайджан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения